Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reflection on my own teamwork and communication process throughout CG1413 and CG1102

It is nearly 4 months since I started taking two modules, CG1413 and CG1102. From then on, I have gone through a lot of meetings, presentations, and now, it is a very good time to reflect on how I have improved myself.

First of all, I have to say that the combination of two modules CG1413 and CG1102 looks perfect, because it helped students individually improve a lot of critical skills that we need for future usage. We have written a lot of reflections which strengthens our writing skills, we had some presentations which are totally good chances to improve some weaknesses like confidence, grammatical errors while talking, etc. Last but not least, the programming project which is issued by CG1413 and CG1102 was really realistic and helped us a lot in defining who we will be in the future. For me, after this semester, I felt I have improved both my writing and presentation skills though it still had rooms for improvements. I also felt more interested in the major I’m taking thanks to the project.

Secondly, such combination created a chance for everyone to work together, by that all of us can experience the principle of teamwork and communication. For me, such experiences are really valuable. I still remembered how embarrassed I was when I tried to express my ideas in the first time we conduct the meeting. At this time, I sometimes found difficult discussing with my teammates due to my poor expression. And sometimes, it was really hard to explain my teammates that their solutions didn’t work correctly. Throughout the whole course, I felt that I am now able to interact with my friends better by using interpersonal and intercultural communication skills. Furthermore, through many projects, I am trained to work in teams that are heterogeneous in both culture and working styles. As Dr Colin Tan said, the real world teams are quite similar like this, so such combination prepared me a lot to work in such teams in the future. Last but not least, thanks to these modules, I have more chances to make friends, which in turn help me increase my networking.

In conclusion, I feel that I have improved a lot since this semester started. However, it doesn't mean that I stop practicing the communication and teamwork skills. Such critical skills are extremely helpful for future projects. Lastly, I want to thank all the CG1413 and CG1102 staffs, especially Ms.Brenda for giving me many useful advices, my CG1102 and CG1413 teammmates for working with me.