Sunday, January 31, 2010

Interpersonal and intercultural communication

In a world of increasing economic, social and cultural interaction, issues of communication are inevitably becoming essential. In the first post, we have talked about the role of communication in our lives. The fact is that although we communicate with each other on a daily basis, not everyone can do it effectively. In such situation, interpersonal and intercultural communication skills will really help us improve our interaction to a higher level.

Basically, interpersonal communication refers to the interaction in which people are able to share ideas with each other implicitly through shared history or body language. Obviously, such communication is indeed crucial in our globalised world now, when we can easily interact with whom we already knew before. For example, in some work environment, colleagues often create some signals that only people involved can understand, in order to for everyone to communicate faster and easier. However, this kind of communication, at some level, is also the main reason for conflicts if the people we are communicating with don’t understand us well. My own experience about my first day coming to the Hall where I live now can perfectly describe such difficulty: my block-mates who have already lived together sometimes talk about stories that made me confused. Gradually, I have known more and more about such stories and integrated more with my friends.

Intercultural communication is, in some way, similar to interpersonal communication. However, it is different in the way that people are able to communicate with others from differing cultural backgrounds. Communication is not just verbal, it is also non-verbal which includes body language, gesture, etc. Sometimes, conflicts happen because we are unconscious of highly contextual elements that are imperceptibly attached to our story. That is the reason why we can make a misunderstanding when interacting with people from other culture. As a whole, only through gaining comprehensive knowledge about cultures are we able to bring communication to a deeper level.

Personally, the module CG1413 I’m taking is really a good chance for me to improve both interpersonal and intercultural communication. Being a member of a group from different cultures, I am strongly convicted that through experience of group meetings or talking, my communication skills will be greatly better.


  1. Hi Duc,
    Greatly appreciate that you have changed your theme and font color, that makes me very convenient reading your blog!

    About your entry, it has some grammatical problems, and also some subject-verb agreement issues. The second paragraph is the longest, but I think it is not the best one. You have stated the main definition of interpersonal communication, but how you explain it later was not very attractive. For example, you mentioned about your problem at first day coming to Hall, but it is not clear enough for the reader to understand, I think. If you continued and tell more about the stories, I think that will make this paragraph better.

    However, the third paragraph, to me is a good one. It is coherent and has succeeded in stating your point of view about intercultural communication. I agree with you that to bring communication to a deeper level, we should gain comprehensive knowledge about more and more cultures.


  2. Hi Duc,
    I find that you have done a great job on your second post! It is well organised and there are many examples and arguments to support your statement. You have also included an introduction and conclusion, something that I always forget to include in my post.
    I totally agree with you that interpersonal and intercultural skills are vital to good communication. As you have said, conflicts usually occur due to miscommunication. If everyone can communicate well, there will so much lesser necessary conflicts. Besides that, I like your post on your Hall life. I find that in everyday life we will face many different people from different backgrounds. Thus, it is not just during Hall life, but also during every day that we have to continuously practise good interpersonal and intercultural communication habits.
    Overall, I find your entry a rather good read. Maybe you can elaborate more on how you actually integrated better with your friends. This will allow the reader to fully understand the meaning of interpersonal communication. Besides that, maybe you could give an example on how conflicts occur due to miscommunication. This will make the reader realize the importance of being able to articulate and express oneself well.

  3. Hi, I liked your points regarding the importance of interpersonal and inter-cultural communication as well as the personal example you provided. However, I did find the post a little long as some of the points mentioned in interpersonal skills were rephrased in intercultural communication skills. Also, might i suggest that you separate the example you provided from your explanation. This would make it easier to identify that the explanation has ended as well as help highlight the example. I think it is well written overall, but some reorganization of the points will help make it more concise.

    Be Veg . Go Green . Save the Planet .

  4. Hi Duc,
    You have started the post well by giving a good introduction. The reader can easily make out what the topic is and is not lost while reading. I think it is commendable.
    I like the way you have described the non-verbal elements of communication.
    The part where you say that both are similar in some way is not quite clear as the reader does not get to know why they are similar.
    I think that this piece of writing is a lot of improvement over your first post. Congratulations for that.
    Hope to read even better posts on your blog in future.
