Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reflection on principles of communication and teamwork

Nowadays, effective communication and teamwork skills are increasingly recognized as main factor contributing to job success. Let’s see how these skills are about and why they play such an important role.

Communication basically is a process of conveying information from one to another. At every stage of the communication process, there is a chance of confusion or interference that can disrupt the interaction. Our goal, therefore, is to remove all such barriers. First, the message needs to be clear, concise and concrete. After this step, encoding, the process of conveying the message effectively is also of great importance, due to some potential of confusion. Decoding, the process of understanding the message correctly, faces the same difficulty; in such circumstances, social knowledge can be the key solution. Another factor of communication is feedback from receiver, which is also very useful because it improves the sender’s ability to convey the message. Last but not least, the channel through which the message is transmitted is definitely crucial because it is very common that people often choose wrong channels. The reason is that each channel has different strengths and weaknesses, so we need to choose carefully the appropriate channel for each kind of message.

In the context of a globalized-and-interdependent world, being a perfect individual is not desired as much as being involved in a perfect teamwork. However, there are many factors required for a team to work effectively, including good leadership, effective communication, conflict resolution, empowerment. As the whole, operating a team is much harder than operating a group because it requires each member supplementing others to accomplish the final target. Especially, in today‘s fast-paced and industrialized world, teamwork has emerged as a requirement for business success.

With the advent of globalisation, people from every country will converge to work together. As a global student, I feel that such these skills are really indispensable in improving my career prospect afterwards.


  1. You have introduced and clarified what communication is, and how important it is. You have organized your entry very well, another idea after another idea. But in my opinion, your entry does not get the "C" at "clear", it somehow does not point out what your main idea is , and what you are trying to convey. Another point is that it is so hard to read your blog entry with dis dark theme, and the font color is not so bright.

  2. You have clearly mentioned he importance of effective communication and teamwork. The definition of the two also becomes clear through your post. I appreciate that you thought about globalization, correlating it with teamwork and communication.
    I think your article can be made more interesting by describing some real life experiences. It is a good and effective exercise to engage the reader and strengthen your argument.
    I agree with Duy that it is hard to read the text in your blog.

  3. I find that you did a good job in describing in detail the essentials of good communication. Besides that, you discussed the possible consequences if we do not follow the principles of good communication. You also managed to summarise the reasons why teamwork and not individual talent is essential in the workforce. However, I find some of your sentences too lengthy and readers might lose track of the main point by the end of the sentence. You can also expand on your last paragraph and explain why teamwork is important in improving your career aspects. Lastly, I find it a rather hard to read your blog entry due to the similar font and background colour. Maybe you could change it so that your blog is easier to read? Thanks.

  4. The information you provided was accurate and had good clarity. Linking the importance of communication to examples such as job requirements also helped the reader relate as well as understand the impact of your message. However, some examples form your life would help the reader understand what roles these concepts of good communication play in your life or how you were able to employ them.
    PS: Please change the colour scheme of your blog, it is still very hard to read the text without highlighting them.
